Friday, April 25, 2008

Screenshot Contest Results

First off, I'd like to thank everyone for participating. Here are the final scores:

Ana S. - 9 pts.
Juan F. - 8 pts
Chris M. - 8 pts.
Brian W. - 4pts.
John K. - 1pt pts.

Congratz to Ana S. from British Columbia for answering the most correctly!!! She is the winner of a $25 gift certificate to Best Buy. For curiosities sake, here are the answers:

  1. Pleasantville
  2. Clockers
  3. The Big Red One
  4. Ivan's Childhood
  5. The Last Detail
  6. Through a Glass Darkly
  7. Death Trance
  8. Funky Forest: The First Contact
  9. Persona
  10. The Odd Couple

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