Thursday, August 9, 2007

A Change in My Rating Scale

Shocking, I know. For the longest while I have been using the the 1-10 grading scale which has worked like a charm but I will now be using the four-star systematic rating scale. Why the the sudden switch you ask? Three simple reasons: 1) More accurate. 2) Makes it easier to organize film ratings in a massive database that I am slowly working on. 3) Worth a try.

If you take a quick glance to right side of the blog there is an explaination of my new rating scale that I will be using from now on. Sorry for the inconveinance.


Anonymous said...

Another loss for those of us who still rate out of 10. It's getting lonely, so lonely.

Good luck though, I can imagine it requires some sort of brain shift when thinking about what you've seen, however minor.

Jason said...

I couldn't resist the Dark Side....muhahahaha. But yeah, sorry to bail on you Justine. I may join back someday, who knows.

I'm actually finding the four-star system quite effective right now especially when it comes to organizing all my film viewings in spread-sheets. Your right, I do have to slightly alter the way I apply my ratings and be a little more discreet. So far, so good.